

Design has a way of repeating itself and there are many variations to this cycle. Some pieces of the cycle are present for extended amounts of time where as other come and pass more quickly.  In most cases it is not possible to look at a design with out seeing implications from a design that the preceded it. Technology advances and culture, influence design in a way that modifies what was produced by the former.
            When a design is revitalized it will not necessarily be an exact replica of what came before.  Borrowing from the past, in some cases, means an opportunity to elaborate and manipulate the design from which one is borrowing. Andrea Palladio was greatly influenced by Greeks and Romans and borrowed from them to create his own set of rules about architecture. What the Greeks and Romans reserved for sacred temples, Palladio re formed and applied to residential homes in Italy. Palladio wrote his rules for architecture and these writings found their way to the hands of American politicians. The books were able to make their way back over to America and in turn greatly influenced American Architecture. The White House and U.S. Capitol in Washington are reminiscent Palladio’s style. Even buildings that are being constructed today show signs of Palladian influence.
            In it’s formative years the United States were trying to form a National Style, one that would show who their great new nation was or who they wanted others to think they were. Classical styles influenced Palladio and now both the ancient styles and Palladio were influencing America. Public and government buildings showed obvious influence from classical styles. The buildings being constructed were a product of the culture.. The buildings were symbolic in nature and were meant to tell a story to those who encountered them. The story that America wanted to tell was one of strength and knowledge.   The state capitols, wanting a more pure version of architecture world base their designs more on what was done by the Greeks. The capitol was more inspired by Roman architecture.
            As time progresses people are beginning to explore the notion of merging more than one style in to a design. Borrowing from only one period at a time was less important. This openness, combined with trade routes created spaces that were more eclectic. Homes now had furnishings from foreign lands which provided a feature of globalization. The industrial revolution is making way for new innovations in design. Metal and glass allow for production on a larger scale than was possible before. Because of this revolution people are shifting away from anything they have seen in the past and becoming more imaginative. This time period also allowed for furniture designs that were more accessible. Furniture was being produced in anticipation of a purchase which was new concept.  
            What once was will be again. Sometimes it is a revitalization of the past, staying very true history. Other times a design is reformed, in hopes of creating something even better than what came before. Even as a reform occurs the reverberation of the past does not stray far from its origin. Sometimes as a result of reform a new set of rules are formed creating something new to inspire the next design. And thus, the cycle continues.  
Dungan- Nequette/ Birmingham, AL 

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